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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - line


Связанные словари


~1 n »LONG THIN MARK« 1 a long thin, usually continuous mark on a surface  (A wiggly line showed where the river was. | straight line)  (Can you draw a straight line? | dotted line (=a broken straight line drawn or printed on paper))  (Sign your name on the dotted line.) 2 a long thin mark used to show a limit or border  (a broken white line in the middle of the road | If the ball goes over the line, it's out of play.) 3 an imaginary line, for example one that shows the limits of an area of land  (the line that divides northern and southern Ireland | lines of longitude) 4 county line/state line AmE a border between two counties, states etc 5 »ON SB'S FACE« a line on the skin of someone's face or skin; wrinkle1 (1)  (a forehead etched with deep lines) 6 the line technical the equator »SHAPE/EDGE« 7 C usually plural the outer shape of something long or tall  (a dress that follows the lines of the body | I admired the ship's clean elegant lines.) OPINION/ATTITUDE 8 C usually singular an attitude or belief, especially one that is stated publicly + on  (What's the candidate's line on abortion?) the party line (=the official opinion of a political party)  (By supporting Robertson, she's going directly against the party line.) 9 take a firm/hard/strict etc line on to have a very strict attitude towards something  (a judge notorious for taking a tough line on drug users) »WAY/METHOD« 10 line of action/thought/reasoning etc a way or method of doing something or thinking about something  (line of inquiry (=a way of trying to find out about something))  (Police are following several lines of inquiry. | line of argument (=a way of persuading someone about something))  (Which line of argument is Clarke likely to take?) 11 along those/similar/different etc lines done or doing something in that way, a similar way etc  (We've both been thinking along the same lines. | something along those lines (=something like that))  (They're organizing a trip to the beach or something along those lines. | along the lines of (=in a particular way))  (We'll probably end up doing something along the lines of what you're suggesting.) 12 on the right lines done or doing something in the right kind of way  (These new proposals are certainly on the right lines.) »TELEPHONE LINE« 13 C usually singular a telephone wire or connection  (We rent the line from British Telecom. | on the line)  (There's a fault on the line. | bad line (=a line that is not working properly so that you cannot easily hear the other person talking)) 14 hold the line spoken used to politely ask the person who is on the telephone to wait for a short time  (Hold the line, please. I'll put you through to Mr Bork.) »STRING« 15 »DRYING CLOTHES« a piece of string or rope that you hang wet clothes etc on in order to dry them; clothesline, washing line  (the line)  (You'd better get your washing off the line - it's raining.) 16 »FISHING« a strong thin string with a hook on the end, used for catching fish »WRITING/WORDS« 17 a line of words on a page, for example in a poem or a report  (a few lines from Shakespeare) 18 »ACTOR'S SPEECH« the words of a play or performance that an actor learns  (After 30 years on the stage, I still forget my lines.) 19 »PUNISHMENT« lines BrE a punishment given to school children that consists of writing the same thing a lot of times  (Take a hundred lines!) 20 drop sb a line informal to write a short letter to someone  (Drop me a line and let me know how you're getting on.) »ROW OF PEOPLE/THINGS« 21 a row of people or things next to each other + of  (a row of poplar trees beside the road) in a line  (four little boys standing in a line) 22 AmE a row of people standing one behind the other while waiting for something; queue1 (1) BrE  (I was talking with Karen in the lunchline.) »LIES/EXCUSES« 23 shoot a line/spin (sb) a line to tell someone things that are not true in order to persuade them or to make them admire you 24 don't give me that line spoken used to tell someone that you do not believe their excuse  ("We just haven't had enough time to ..." "Oh, don't give me that line.") »RAILWAY LINE« 25 a track that a train travels along  (the line)  (A train had broken down further along the line. | railway line)  (a bridge over the railway line | the Brighton/Manchester/Cambridge etc line (=a line that goes to Brighton etc) | Piccadilly/Victoria/Central etc line (=a line on London's underground system)) »DIRECTION/DISTANCE« 26 C usually singular the direction or imaginary line along which something travels between two points in space  (in a straight line)  (Light travels in a straight line. | line of fire/attack/movement etc (=the direction in which someone shoots, attacks, moves etc))  (I was directly in the animal's line of attack.) line of vision  (the direction in which you are looking) »WORK/INTEREST« 27 »JOB« C usually singular the kind of work someone does  (line of business)  (What line of business is he in? | be in the building/retail etc line)  (- see job) 28 in the line of duty if you do something in the line of duty, you do it as part of your job  (Don't thank me, madam - it's all in the line of duty.) 29 be in sb's line to be the type of thing that someone is interested in or good at  (I'm afraid cookery isn't really in my line.) OBEY 30 fall into line informal to start to do something in the way that a company, organization etc wants you to  (Don't worry, I'm sure he'll soon fall into line and sign with the rest of us.) 31 bring sb into line informal to make someone behave the way you want them to  (The right wing of the party has got to be brought into line.) 32 be out of line AmE if someone's behaviour is out of line, it is unacceptable »WAR« 33 »WAR« (countable often plural a row of military defences in front of the area that an army controls during a war  (behind the line (s) (=in the area where your enemy is))  (Parachutists dropped behind the lines. | enemy lines)  (The base was stationed 100 miles inside enemy lines.) 34 the line of positions that an army has when it is fighting a battle  (the line of battle) DO THE SAME 35 in line with if something changes in line with something else, it changes in the same way and at the same rate  (Pensions will be increased in line with inflation.) 36 bring sth into line with to make something work or happen according to a particular system or set of rules  (British law will have to be changed to bring it into line with the latest European ruling.) 37 along religious/party/ethnic lines if people divide along religious, party etc lines they divide according to which religion, political party, or other group they belong to »OTHER MEANINGS« 38 a thin/fine line between only a slight difference between two things, one of which is something bad  (There's a very fine line between tax evasion and fraud.) 39 be in line for sth to be very likely to get or be given something  (Ted's in line for the chairmanship. | first/second etc in line for)  (She's about second in line for the management job.) 40 be on the line informal if your job, position etc is on the line, there is a possibility you might lose it  (From now on, all our jobs are on the line.) 41 somewhere along the line informal during the time that you are involved in an activity or process  (Somewhere along the line, Errol seemed to have lost interest in their marriage.) 42 »PRODUCT« a type of goods for sale in a shop  (this season's new lines from Paris | discontinue a line (=stop selling a type of goods)) 43 on line communicating with or by means of a computer  (The system is on line to the bank's mainframe computer. | We need to bring the network back on line.)  (- see also online) 44 »COMPANY« C usually singular a company that provides a system for moving goods by sea, air, road etc  (a shipping line | the Cunard line) 45 be in the firing line/in the line of fire a) to be one of the people who could be criticized or blamed for something  (As one of the President's chief advisers, he's bound to be in the firing line.) b) to be in a place where a bullet etc might hit you 46 »SPORT« a row of players in a game such as American football or rugby that is formed when they move into position before play starts again 47 get a line on informal to get information about someone or something  (Have we got any kind of line on that guy Marston?) 48 »DRUG« informal an amount of an illegal drug in powder form, arranged in a line before it is taken + of  (a line of coke) 49 »FAMILY« the people that came or existed before you in your family  (She comes from a long line of actors. | be of sb's line (=be their grandchild, great-grandchild etc))  (There was no-one directly of James's line to succeed to the throne.)  (- see also draw the line at draw1 (35), hard lines hard1 (21), hook, line and sinker hook1 (7), lay sth on the line lay2 (15), picket line picket1 (1), the poverty line/level poverty (2), read between the lines read1 (11), spin a story/yarn/line spin1 (6)) ~2 v 1 to cover the inside of a piece of material with another material  (Are those curtains lined? | line sth with)  (a coat lined with silk) 2 to form a layer over the inner surface of something  (the mucus that lines the stomach | line sth with)  (The bird lined its nest with feathers.) 3 usually passive to form rows along something  (tree-lined avenues | Crowds lined the route to the palace.) 4 line your own pockets to make yourself richer, especially by doing something dishonest line up phr v 1 to form a row or arrange people or things in a row  (Line up, everybody! | line sb/sth up)  (The men were being lined up for an inspection.) 2 to make arrangements so that something will happen or that someone will be available for an event  (line sb/sth up)  (Sue's lined up some excellent speakers for tonight.)  (- see also line-up)
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См. в других словарях

  (lines, lining, lined) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A line is a long thin mark which is drawn or painted on a surface. Draw a line down that page’s center. ...a dotted line... The ball had clearly crossed the line. N-COUNT 2. The lines on someone’s skin, especially on their face, are long thin marks that appear there as they grow older. He has a large, generous face with deep lines. = wrinkle N-COUNT: usu pl 3. A line of people or things is a number of them arranged one behind the other or side by side. The sparse line of spectators noticed nothing unusual. = row N-COUNT: oft N of n 4. A line of people or vehicles is a number of them that are waiting one behind another, for example in order to buy something or to go in a particular direction. Children clutching empty bowls form a line... = queue N-COUNT 5. A line of a piece of writing is one of the rows of words, numbers, or other symbols in it. The next line should read: Five days, 23.5 hours... Tina wouldn’t have read more than three lines. N-COUNT 6. A line of a poem, song, or play is a group of words that are spoken or sung together. If an actor learns his or her lines for a play or film, they learn what they have to say. ...a line from Shakespeare’s Othello: ‘one that loved not wisely but too well’... Learning lines is very easy. Acting is very difficult. N-COUNT 7. You can refer to a long piece of wire, string, or cable as a line when it is used for a particular purpose. She put her washing on the line. ...a piece of fishing-line... The winds downed power lines. N-VAR: usu with supp 8. A line is a connection which makes it possible for two people to speak to each other on the telephone. The telephone lines went dead... It’s not a very good line. Shall we call you back Susan?... She’s on the line from her home in Boston. N-COUNT: oft on the N 9. You can use line to refer to a telephone number which you can ring in order to get information...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English; partly from Anglo-French lingne, from Latin ~a, from feminine of ~us made of flax, from linum flax; partly from Old English line; akin to Old English lin flax — more at ~n  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a length of cord or cord-like material ; as  (1) a comparatively strong slender cord  (2) clothes~  (3) a rope used on shipboard  b.  (1) a device for catching fish consisting of a cord with hooks and other fishing gear  (2) scope for activity ; rope  c. a length of material used in measuring and leveling  d.  (1) piping for conveying a fluid (as steam)  (2) a narrow short synthetic tube that is inserted approximately one inch into a vein (as of the arm) to provide temporary intravenous access for the administration of fluid, medication, or nutrients  e.  (1) a wire or pair of wires connecting one telegraph or telephone station with another or a whole system of such wires; also any circuit in an electronic communication system  (2) a telephone connection tried to get a ~; also an individual telephone extension a call on ~ 2  (3) the principal circuits of an electric power system  2.  a.  (1) a horizontal row of written or printed characters; also a blank row in lieu of such characters  (2) a unit in the rhythmic structure of verse formed by the grouping of a number of the smallest units of the rhythm (as metrical feet)  (3) a distinct segment of a computer program containing a single command or a small number of commands  b. a short letter ; note  c. plural a certificate of marriage  d. the words making up a part in a drama — usually used in plural  e. any of the successive horizontal rows of picture elements on the screen of a cathode-ray tube (as a television screen)  3.  a. something (as a ridge or seam) that is distinct, elongated, and narrow  b. a narrow crease (as on the face) ; wrinkle  c. the course or direction of something in motion ; route  d.  (1) a state of agreement or conformity ;...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a continuous mark or band made on a surface (drew a line). 2 use of lines in art, esp. draughtsmanship or engraving (boldness of line). 3 a thing resembling such a mark esp. a furrow or wrinkle. 4 Mus. a each of (usu. five) horizontal marks forming a stave in musical notation. b a sequence of notes or tones forming an instrumental or vocal melody. 5 a a straight or curved continuous extent of length without breadth. b the track of a moving point. 6 a a contour or outline, esp. as a feature of design (admired the sculpture's clean lines; this year's line is full at the back; the ship's lines). b a facial feature (the cruel line of his mouth). 7 a (on a map or graph) a curve connecting all points having a specified common property. b (the Line) the Equator. 8 a a limit or boundary. b a mark limiting the area of play, the starting or finishing point in a race, etc. c the boundary between a credit and a debit in an account. 9 a a row of persons or things. b a direction as indicated by them (line of march). c US a queue. 10 a a row of printed or written words. b a portion of verse written in one line. 11 (in pl.) a a piece of poetry. b the words of an actor's part. c a specified amount of text etc. to be written out as a school punishment. 12 a short letter or note (drop me a line). 13 (in pl.) = marriage lines. 14 a length of cord, rope, wire, etc., usu. serving a specified purpose, esp. a fishing-line or clothes-line. 15 a a wire or cable for a telephone or telegraph. b a connection by means of this (am trying to get a line). 16 a a single track of a railway. b one branch or route of a railway system, or the whole system under one management. 17 a a regular succession of buses, ships, aircraft, etc., plying between certain places. b a company conducting this (shipping line). 18 a connected series of persons following one another in time (esp. several generations of a family); stock, succession (a long line of craftsmen; next in line to the throne). 19 a a course or manner of procedure, conduct, thought, etc. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) линия проводить линии, линовать 2) матем. прямая 3) черта; штрих штриховать 4) контур, очертание 5) кривая (на графике) 6) геофиз. профиль 7) ребро (графа) 8) геод. ход 9) экватор 10) линия (единица длины) 11) спектральная линия 12) верёвка; канат; шнур; мор. линь 13) мн. ч. границы, пределы (земельного участка) 14) граничить 15) направление движения, курс 16) располагать(ся) в одну линию; устанавливать соосно 17) трубопровод; нитка трубопровода (см. тж pipeline) прокладывать трубопровод, тянуть нитку трубопровода 18) водовод 19) облицовка (внутренняя) облицовывать (внутри) 20) футеровка футеровать 21) горн. обшивка обшивать 22) строит. причалка (в каменных работах) 23) производственная (технологическая) линия 24) конвейер 25) номенклатура продукции; серия изделий 26) мн. ч. теоретический чертёж (судна) 27) железнодорожный путь; линия 28) (электрическая) линия; (электрическая) цепь; провод; шина 29) линия связи; линия передачи (данных или сигналов) 30) строка программного кода, развёртки изображения, набора 31) ярус (орудие лова рыбы) 32) лён; льняная пряжа 33) нефт. струна (оснастки талевой системы) line at infinity — несобственная (бесконечно удалённая) прямая; to be in line with one another —...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  линия, черта верёвка, бечёвка, шнур граница; контур; предел морщина, складка линия инженерных сетей; рельсовый путь; технологическая линия to line by eye line of action line of corresponding stages line of creep line of force line of least pressure line of least resistance line of principal strain line of route line of rupture line of seepage line of sight line of thrust line of traffic line of wells line of zero fill A line aerial line air line air void line arch center line ashlar line assembly line B line backhaul line barrier line base line beam center line belt line bleed lines border line boundary line branch line bridge center line brine line broad-gauge line building line building setback line bulkhead line buried line bypass line C line cable line center line center line of inertia center line of the hook chalk line channel line closing line collimation line communication line compressed air line condensate line connecting line connecting drainage line consumer gas service line contour line conveyor belt line cordon line crest line critical state line curved line datum line dead line deflection-influence line digging line discharge line discharge section line distribution line dot line dot and dash line dotted line double line double-rodded line drilling line duplicate level line edge line electric line electrified railway line encroachment line energy line envelope line equipotential lines expansion line exposing line fathom line fence line fire line flood line flow line formation line frontage line frost line future line gas line gauge line geodesic line grade line gravity pipe line grooved lines ground line guide line hair line half line heating line high-pressure line high-speed line high-tension line hoisting line horizon line hot gas line hydraulic grade line improvement line influence line influence line for bending moment influence line for reaction influence line for shear isopiestic lines isoseismal line...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) англ. линия (связи) 2) контур; электроцепь – absorption line – access line – acoustic line – acoustic delay line – active line – adjustable line – air-strip transmission line – alternate-phone line – analog-junction line – artificial-cable line – artificial-transmission line – associated line – asymmetrical digital subscriber line – audio-communication line – automatic binary data link line – available line – backbone line – balanced aerial line – balanced cable line – balanced line – beaded-transmission line – branch line – bridging line – branch bus line – bus line – busy line – cable line – called line – calling line – carrier line – central-office line – coaxial line – coaxial-transmission line – common-talking line – communication line – compressed SLIP line – contact-wire line – control line – coplanar transmission line – coupled-transmission lines – crawl line – current line – customer line – data line – data-conversion line – data-transmission line – dc line – dead line – dedicated line – delay line – dial line – dialed line – digital active line – digital junction line – digital delay line – digital relay line – direct line – disconnected line – disengaged line – distributed line – drive line – dual-use line – end line – exchange line – exciting line – exclusive line – executive line – exponential-transmission line – extended-subscriber line – external communication line – faulted line – feed line – few-channel relay line – fiber-optic communication line – flyback line – Fucashime-to-Camae line – ground-return line – hairpin line – half-wave transmission line – helix line – home line – horizontal line – hot line – idle line – inactive line – incoming local line – incoming trunk line – individual line – Indonesia-to-Singapore coaxial-cable line – inductive-communication line – interconnection line – internal...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) конвейер 2) контур 3) линия 4) линь 5) обкладывать 6) облицовывать 7) геом. ось 8) очередь 9) поточный 10) проводить линию 11) прокладывать 12) геом. прямая 13) ряд 14) серия 15) строка 16) строчка 17) трос 18) трубопровод 19) урез 20) футеровать 21) футеровка 22) хвост 23) черта absolute polar line — абсолютная поляра absorption spectral line — спектральная линия поглощения acoustic delay line — акустическая линия задержки acoustical delay line — акустическая линия задержки aerodynamic center line — линия фокусов arrange cylinders in line — располагать цилиндр в ряд artificial delay line — искусственная линия задержки automatic production line — машиностр. линия автоматическая be in line with — располагаться на одной линии cable line cell — камера кабельной линии calculated line — расчетная линия сопротивления center line of a track — ось пути clearance of a pole line — наименьшая высота провода contour line — горизонталь closed vortex line — замкнутая вихревая линия coaxial supply line — радио фидер коаксиальный coaxial transmission line — коаксиальная линия передачи comb transmission line — гребенчатая линия connect across line — включать шунтом к линии coupled delay line — замедлитель связанный crystal delay line — кварцевая линия задержки diametral diametric line — диаметр dissipationless delay line — линия задержки без потерь doubly straight line —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) род деятельности 2) отрасль 3) отрасль торговли 4) род товара, сорт товара 5) товар 6) предел, лимит 7) конвейер, поточная линия 8) образ действия 9) направление 10) линия (судоходная, железнодорожная, телефонная и т.п.) 11) кривая на графике 12) линейное подразделение фирмы • - above the line - air line - along production lines - assembly line - below the line - below the line item - bottom line - branch line - budget line - budgeting line - building line - building restriction line - committed line of credit - communication lines - confirmed line - consumer lines - credit limit - cross the picket line - dead-line - draw a line - first-class lines - flow line - line and staff organization - line authority - line management - line manager - line of business - line of communication - line of credit - line of development - line of guarantee - line of industry - line organization - line relation - lines of economic development - moving assembly line - new product line - out of line with - out of line - poverty line - price line - produce the line - production line - railway lines - transfer line - transmission line - trend line - undergrounding of distribution lines - undergrounding of transmission lines LINE 1) линия; ряд; курс, направление 2) шина; провод 3) строка 4) род занятий 5) граница – in line with – off line – to sign on the dotted line – to line up – line of argument – line of business – assembly line – dotted line – group line – hot line – layout line – printed line – product line – solid line LINE I 1. сущ. 1) общ. линия to draw a line — провести линию vertical line — вертикальная линия 2) общ. веревка 3) общ. граница, пограничная линия, предел the line...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) линия 2) происхождение, родословная; генеалогическая линия 3) черта – line of behavior – line of breeding – lines of Owen – lines of precipitation – lines of Retzius – autosexing lines – base line – blood line – cell line – cloned cell line – closed line – congenic line – culture-adapted cell line – Farro-Waldeyer's line – germ line – Hensen's line – Hunter-Schreger lines – Hy line – I-line – immortalized cell line – inbred line – incremental lines – Krause's line – lateral line – mammary line – pallial line – parental line – precipitation line – pure line – purebred line – regression line – set line – stem line – successful line – transgenic line – Wallace's line ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  спорт линия В американском футболе football 1) Ряд игроков с мячом или находящихся на расстоянии 1 фута от мяча перед началом игры 2) Линия схватки line of scrimmage ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. линия (также мат.) straight line —- прямая линия to draw a line from A to B —- провести линию от А до В contour line —- геогр. изобата line of force —- физ. силовая линия line of sight —- линия прямой видимости; астр. прямая от звезды до Земли line of aim —- воен. линия прицеливания line of bomb release —- воен. линия бомбометания 2. иск. линия; линии, контур line and colour —- контуры и тона (картины) to translate life into line and colour —- передать (изобразить) жизнь с помощью карандаша и красок the clearness (purity) of line in an artist's work —- ясность (чистота) линий (рисунка) в работе художника 3. черта, штрих line test —- кин. проба рисованного движения на киноэкране 4. муз. линейка 5. черта, особенность, штрих the lines of his character are quite clear —- черты его характера ясны 6. веревка, бечевка horse line —- коновязь to hang (out) clothes on a line —- повесить белье на веревку 7. провод line communication, line transmission —- проводная связь; передача сообщений по проводам 8. леса (удочки) to be clever with rod and line, to throw a good line —- быть хорошим рыболовом 9. мор. линь 10. нить (паутины) 11. граница, пограничная линия; предел boundary line —- пограничная линия line of demarcation —- демаркационная линия to cross the line into Canada —- перейти через границу Канады (из США) to overstep the line of smth. —- перейти границы чего-л. to go over the...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) линия, черта; штрих; all along the line -  а) по всей линии;  б) во всех отношениях - line and colour - line of force  2) пограничная линия, граница; предел; to overstep the line of smth. - перейти границы чего-л.; to draw the line - провести границу; положить предел (at - чему-л.); to go over the line - перейти (дозволенные) границы, перейти предел; - on the line - below the line  3) борозда; морщина; - take lines  4) очертания, контур; - ships lines  5) линия (связи, железнодорожная, пароходная, трамвайная и т.п.); hold the line! - не вешайте трубку, не разъединяйте!; line busy - занято (ответ телефонистки); the line is bad - плохо слышно; - long-distance line  6) (the Line) экватор; - cross the Line  7) поведение; образ действий; направление, установка; on the usual lines - на обычных основаниях - take a strong line - line of policy  8) занятие, род деятельности; специальность; it is not in (или out of) my line - это вне моей компетенции/интересов; whats his line? - чем он занимается?; line of business theatr. - актерское амплуа  9) происхождение, родословная, генеалогия; - male line - female line  10) шнур; веревка; naut. линь; - clothes line  11) леса (удочки); to throw a good line - быть хорошим рыболовом  12) ряд; amer. тж. очередь, хвост  13) конвейер (тж. assembly line)  14) строка; drop me a few lines - черкните мне несколько строк; to read between the lines - читать между...
Англо-русский словарь
  NASDAQ abbr. OnLineTradingInc.Com Corporation ...
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